Story of personal achievement and gratitude to a colleague - GFI Marcha Ciudad València
historia de superacion personal y agradecimiento a un companero

Story of personal achievement and gratitude to a colleague

Hello. I’m Jorge Monterde Díaz and this is my story. It is a story of personal achievement and gratitude to a colleague that was by my side at the most difficult times.

Last Saturday, I was able to rid myself of a thorn I’ve had in my side for years. I successfully completed a big cyclosportive, a difficult sportive; the 190 km Marcha Ciudad de Valencia.

When I found myself in ICU at Hospital de Requena about six years ago, on account of what could theoretically be a heart attack, I saw my dreams as an amateur sportsman drawing to a close, and after a year and a half with repetitive pericarditis, I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. Now, thanks to medical progress and the encouragement and strength received from my colleagues, I have achieved something that makes me feel realised again on a sporting level.

Of course, I want to thank my family for trying to understand me and allowing me to go off on long excursions with the group from the Requena cycling club.

I don’t forget things and I want to say that, if I am back on a bicycle, it is thanks to my colleague Josean Ponce, who I am dedicating this achievement to from the bottom of my heart. From the very first day, you came to see me at home, and you brought me things for my bike and kept me up to speed about the sector, although you possibly doubted that I would ever be able to get back on a bike. again, you always told me I would go back to cycling.

historia de superacion personal

On Saturday, we had a thousand incidents, but you were by my side again until I crossed the finishing line.

I just hope that this small achievement may help other people in continuous pain to see that, with determination and effort, we can continue to be happy. 

Thank you and, if the force is with us, see you next time.

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